Fertility Miracle: We are so blessed. We are so grateful.

I am so blessed. I am so grateful. I am.

This mantra is sung at every Darshan (personal blessing from an enlightened master) at Pranananda's ashram in Laguna Hills. It has always resonated with me and I often find myself singing it in times of bliss and also in times of fear. It reminds me that God is within me, so I can never be alone. I believe this mantra is a profound declaration of truth that penetrates all fear, allowing room for love. They say that a Divine Master will help you realize the Divine within yourself. Pranananda has done this for me and so much more. He has helped me meet the Divine in my son; the single, greatest gift I have ever received.

My husband and I have been on the spiritual path for many years. We started attending Self Realizationship Fellowship three years ago and are studying the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, which align with those of Pranananda. We have been given the high blessing of meeting Divine masters in the flesh. I was introduced to Pranananda by a dear friend. After attending Darshan, I came to him with a problem. My husband and I had been having a difficult journey to parenthood with some extremely difficult trials. The doctors could not identify anything specific, yet the things they recommended from the western model did not work. I have dealt with a condition my whole life and, while my health was excellent, I was holding onto fears and my faith in my body was rocked. Pranananda responded to my call for help with so much love and compassion. He shone a brilliant white light on my fears, dissolving them, and restoring my faith in a beautiful way.

He gave me a mantra that was acutely specific to me and my need, with very clear instructions on how it should be recited for a set number of days with no breaks. I recall being on a work trip and returning to my hotel room late. Feeling tired after a long day, I fell asleep without having recited my mantra, so the next day I went back to the start, counting the exact number of days to complete the mantra. This mantra broke through so many of my core issues. It was truly medicine downloaded from God by Pranananda.

During this period I utilized acupuncture and a very specific herbal formula derived from Chinese medicine, as well as focusing on my daily meditation practice and seeking healing where I needed it. I attended monthly Darshan, and at each one, Pranananda worked on various parts of my energy bodies, always seeing exactly where to place healing light. During these blessings, he poured love that was so pure directly into my heart; removing fears and creating space to grow in love and faith. He saw the presence of our son's soul before we became pregnant and gave us many special messages. These experiences were so intense and so profound, I will remember them forever. Very shortly after all of this, I found out I was pregnant! We will never forget that moment of such joy. While we had been there before, this one felt different.

Throughout the pregnancy and, even during labor, Pranananda offered us counseling, bestowing love, wisdom and further blessing on us and the baby. He helped me process and alleviate fears, always reminding me he was there, holding our hands and our hearts.  We enjoyed a healthy pregnancy and welcomed our beautiful baby boy on Thanksgiving day - a very apt day for him to make his entrance earthside!

Every day I marvel at the perfection of this being who has entered our world and shown us the love of God in a million new ways. I adore being a mother and I will forever be grateful to Pranananda for his love, blessings, wisdom, grace and Divine friendship in this most sacred part of our lives.

Yes, indeed, we are so blessed. We are so grateful. We are.

With eternal love and gratitude,


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