Louix’s Crystal Singing Bowl

I was recently singing for a yoga therapy workshop that I co-created with a dear friend. I had asked Louix if I could borrow his crystal singing bowl to play at the event to accompany my singing. This crystal singing bowl has been owned by Louix for many years and he has played it during many of his events at his home and other venues, typically during meditations. It is made from crushed quartz crystal and when played creates the most sublime tone. Louix happily loaned the bowl to me, and I felt very privileged to play it for the workshop participants during their period of meditation.

During the yoga practice, I sang Sanskrit mantra as I gazed into the eyes of a picture of Louix that I had in front of me. I am a yoga therapist and accustomed to leading the practice rather than adding musical accompaniment. I was feeling some nervousness as a result of this new position, as well as a fear of failure. As I gazed into his eyes, I was filled with the joy of devotion to God & Guru. This freed me from my ego’s attachment to “success” and aligned me with the God-centered intention to simply serve those before me.

The workshop concluded with a period of meditation and sound healing. This is when I had the opportunity to play Guruji’s crystal singing bowl. While I was playing, I could feel Louix’s energy all around me, emanating from the bowl and pouring out into the room. His love vibration was palpable and I sensed it flowing into the bodies of all who were present, healing and clearing them.

At the end of the event, I had several of the participants approach me and ask me what I had been playing during the meditation. Their logical minds could not understand from where the magical tones had originated. They said they could feel a powerful, loving energy radiating through their bodies, which moved many of them to tears and ecstatic states they had never before experienced.

I explained to them that it was Louix’s crystal bowl and what they had experienced was the energy of my Guru emanating from the bowl throughout the room. I shared his picture with them and explained that they had received his divine blessing. It was such a magical experience for me to experience my Guru sourcing me, as well as everyone in the room, that day!


- Alison Scola

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